Listicles are here to stay because readers love them. Many people thought they were just the latest trend that would fade away when the next “best thing” came along. But, that didn’t happen.

While wordy, indepth essays and articles still have their place, listicles have become the new mainstay of attention grabbing techniques.
They have firmly engrained themselves in the social media and don’t seem to be going away. Let’s face it, many people rely on Twitter or Facebook to keep them up-to-date on everything from current events to celebrity gossip.
Websites and magazines have also caught onto the popularity of listicles. Even advertisers are jumping on the bandwagaon.
While listicles often defy all the rules of good writing (isn’t an article in list form really just an outline) and make literary experts cringe, as a freelancer or social media blogger, you cannot ignore the fact that they work.
Surprisingly – or maybe not so surprisingly – they have become an effective tool that should definitely be employed.
1. They Bring Order Out Of Chaos
Listicles categorize information. They organize it all in a nice neat fashion and present it in a way that is easy for readers to process.
Rather than having to read through long paragraphs of complicated information, everything is listed in a way that makes sense at first glance. Whether the list is organized by category (topic, headline points) or
timeline (first this, then this, then this….) this style of writing can take a chaotic mass of words and re-arrange it into a reader friendly pattern.
2. They Are Attention Grabbers
If a title gets our attention, we are more likely to read the article, right?
And, the overwhelming success of listicles has proven that people are drawn to…well…lists.
Titles like “Top 10 Things That….”, “5 Reasons For….”, “8 Signs That Show…..” are irresistible because they pique curiosity without requiring pages of in-depth reading. People use listicles on social media platforms to capture the reader’s interest and, in turn, draw attention to a particular brand or website.
3. They Hold A Reader’s Interest
Many readers are more interested in short, concise information rather than having to stream through long paragraphs of wordy, complex data. If you lose their interest, they aren’t going to listen to what you have to say.
With listicles, they can glance down the page, read the points that grab their attention, skip the ones that don’t, and get the information they want without becoming bored.
4. They Are Time Efficient
Listicles are quick little bits of information – kind of like sound bytes for words – so even the busiest person can find time to give them a glance.
If people can get the information they need (or want) quickly, they are more likely to read what you write.
5. They Work On Multiple Platforms
Lists are appropriate for both online and in print. They are great for websites, social media, fliers, magazines. They work anywhere, for anyone.
6. They Are A Great Marketing Tool
Using lists or bullets is an effective way to highlight the features of your brand and ensure that readers remember what they see. You have probably already recognized that mini-listicles have become a staple for advertising campaigns and product promotions.
Plus, listicles are often re-tweeted or shared, so you are getting amazing brand recognition through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
7. They Are Ideal For Image Heavy Content
If you want to incorporate a lot of pictures or images, presenting in list form is a great way to pattern your content so readers can quickly and clearly associate each picture with the corresponding text.
Plus, the images will stay in their mind for a long time – and that’s the whole point, isn’t it?
8. They Increase Search Engine Optimization
Since listicles are dominating the social media platforms and marketing campaigns, it is safe to assume that people are highly responsive to
Besides, whether they want to buy a car, compare brand names, or find a recipe, a lot of consumers will unconsciously (or maybe intentionally) search in list form. They will log onto the internet and type in something like “Top 10 Most Reliable Cars”, or “List Of Best Arm Exercises”.
9. They Are A Starting Point
Listicles are not meant to be a detailed article. They are designed
to grab the reader’s attention, highlight the main points, and leave them hungry for more.
They help the reader decide if they want to explore the topic further, if they want more information, or – most importantly – if they want to hear more from you.
If your listicle includes links to your website, other material you have to offer, or even more listicles, then an interested reader may be hooked. Lists are jumping points that allow the reader to decide where he or she wants to go next.
10. They Are Relatable
Whether they are fun or serious, listicles engage people, draw them in,
and make them want to read more because they can relate to what is being written.
They appeal to the reader on a level that goes beyond simple facts or information. People are likely to read “8 Signs That You Are Stressed Out” because they are, in fact, feeling stressed out.
But, they will feel a personal connection if they read the list and can identify with 2, 3, or even all 8 points mentioned. Now you have piqued their interest and created a desire to learn (and read) more.
11. They Are Here To Stay
There is something appealing about lists, and digital readers have
proven this fact.
You should incorporate the use of listicles if you are a freelancer or social media blogger because it is the latest trend (that really isn’t a trend) and has quickly become the preferred style for digital readers everywhere.
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