October 16, 2018
Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers
Freelancers have to learn to manage in a global competitive market
(Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that links to the newsletter and check the articles.
Freelancers have to learn to manage and thrive in a global competitive market. We look at the issues by imagining that we wanted to start freelancing in a regional town impacted by drought in the middle of outback New South Wales. Three writers are selected for giving their views on competition.
It is not easy being the caring parent when your family budget makes it necessary for you to return to work when your child is still young. We have a look at the issues and alternatives.
When you are a freelancer it is a good idea to have a newsletter to let your readers know you are a professional and to build your client base. We look at the reasons why.
Imagine that you have a young family and are both working 9 to 5 jobs and your family budget is still under pressure and you want to consider moonlighting as a freelancer. We look at work-life balance issues.
If you are a freelance writer, graphic designer or one of the numerous types of creative freelancers you need to understand what outsourcers think of freelancers versus agencies. We explain why.
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- Gmail users please click on the drop down icon as shown in the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ipkho0
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Best Regards
(John Cosstick)

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Freelance Work Guide is always on the lookout for ideas to better help the freelancing community. So, if you have hints or tips, send me an email to John@freelance-work-guide.com