Thank you for your interest in writing for us.At 5starinnovation we want to help our readers make an educated decision when they are deciding about financial planning.
That is why our writers help take the guesswork out of this choice by providing in-depth tips on what to look for and which planning has gotten the best decision. If this is a topic that you are knowledgeable about, we would love to hear from you.

What we are looking for
We are not looking for just any freelance writer to provide articles for our website and Our staff is looking for connoisseurs who can create unbiased articles based on thorough research. All the articles must be authentic and research-based.
Some topics that would be a great fit for our website include:
- Cryptocurrency
- Blockchain
- Disruption of the consulting industry
- The digital economy
- Innovation
- Better home loan interest rate risk management
- Interest rate management
- Interest rate crisis
- Housing affordability crisis
- Funding Retirement
- Asset allocation system
- Lifestyle planning
- Decision analysis
- Small business and innovation
- Organizing culture and innovation
- Corporation for enterprise development
- Innovation discussion
However, there are several criteria that we do not want to see in articles published on
It must be written following the steps mentioned here :
- Headlines are written following the guidelines mentioned here.
- Keep it clean and easy to understand. Bad language has no place on our website and blog posts. We are always open for quality posts.
- All articles must be written in English.
- Only original articles will be accepted,
- All the articles must be unique.
- Affiliates link are not allowed in the article
- Make sure all articles are spelling and grammar errors free
Other Requirements:
- Article length should be at least 900-1000 words.
- Send the article in an MS Word file format.
- Please provide high-resolution images. At least 3 images are required for a 1000 words article.Â
- The images must be from the free sources (like Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels). The exact image source link must be provided under the image.
- We require to own the copyright
Note: please keep in mind that submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to make changes or decline your post.
How to Submit Your Article:
Writing for 5starinnovation is an excellent opportunity for those who love to write and create informational articles that will guide our readers down the right decision path. If you have decided that writing for us will be a great fit for you, then please write to this email guestposteditors[@] and we will reach out to you.
Benefits of Write for us- What will you get in return:
One of the benefits of publishing an article for our website is the fact that you will gain exposure to your website and/or business. Besides, you generate some traffic.
An author bio will be included at the bottom of the article, which may include:
- Your name,
- Business name,
- Social media links,
- Website link and any other information you may want readers to know.
We would love to see what kinds of writing style you have. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your article idea and byline information.
We Pay Writers For Exceptional Contributions! Where a contribution meets our guidelines and is an exceptional idea to help our readers.
We will pay up to AUD50 for the contribution.
Our editorial team will be the sole judge of what is an exceptional idea. If you have an idea that you wish to pitch to us please write to guestposteditors[@]